Sunday 16 October 2016


 SwitchFocus had the opportunity to interview one promising music artist whose raw and pure talent can not be underestimated. His name might not ring a bell and his face might not be au fait to entertainment lovers across the length and breadth of the country but soon everyone would google his name.
Check out how he displayed his intelligence during our interview.

SF- Good Morning and welcome to SwitchFocus.
Jlee- Good Morning and thank you.
SF-Tell us a little about yourself.
Jlee- Ok. I'm a blessed child and I know that. I'm Jonathan Lee Pratt,full name and I was born in Liberia to somehow a Portuguese dad and a Liberian mother. But I grew up in Liberia. I was born  during the war, I was there when the war ended,I was there when ebola came yet still I came through so I feel like I'm blessed and I was destined for greatness.
SF- How was growing up like?
Jlee- Oh it was tough. Yeah it was so tough. I used to be a very hardheaded kid but I was a blessing to my family back then and I know I'm still a blessing to them now. But back then I used to go around and looked food for them and things like that.
SF- Wow that was in Liberia?
Jlee- Yeah. I used to fish, I used to hustle. I think I was that kind of kid coming up that  just wanna get anything for my family. Even during the war whilst people were running from that side, I'll be walking there because I know I would get something from that side. People were running away because of the sound,the guns and other things but yet still I'd walk there,get food from there and come back home.
SF-Do you have other siblings?
Jlee- Yeah I have. Biologically I'm from a four sibling side where we are all boys from my mum and one dad but I lost my mom when I was six. So I'm having three little brothers from my mum's side and other brothers and sisters from my dad's side but they are all in Liberia.
SF-Were they all present during the war?
Jlee-For my three little brothers they were all around but for some of my siblings they came after the war.
SF-Did you start doing music in Liberia?
Jlee- No. I came to Ghana and started doing music. But I used to love music during primary school. I used to sing people's music. I remember some of the songs like JayZ and Rihanna back then, I remember 2Face See me as your brother. So I used to be one of the celebrities in my class and I used to be a smart kid though. But musically my mind was not made up. When I came to Ghana I started hearing people doing music and it was so easy doing music in Ghana but in Liberia it's not too easy. Because when you do your music, not everyone will like it. Because of the war we were actually left behind. So many things we didn't know then and for some of us Liberians we are now learning. So when I came to Ghana the first time, I started learning things,things were cool for me and I started getting the exposure and all that.
SF- You talked about school. So at what level did you get to?
Jlee- I completed High School in Liberia. I entered the university, AME University but I had some little problems. I was on scholarships and I had some little problems so I had to drop out. So first semester in the university then I dropped out.
SF- Which course were you pursuing?
Jlee- Oh it was funny. I went to do Christian Education and Theology. Like I really wanted to get close to God. First of all it started like this, my grandmother used to tell me if you get close to God, He will get close to you. And she also said this,"seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all other things shall be added onto you." So she did it like encouraging me that if I actually get close to God, He will give me everything like He did to King Solomon and all the other people in the bible. So I feel like I would have everything. For example girls, the money then more cars so I have to seek Him first and get everything I need.
SF- So when did you come to Ghana?
Jlee- I came to Ghana last year April,6.
SF- And how it been in Ghana?
Jlee- It's been tough somehow but it's all part of God's plan as I said earlier. So I don't look at so many things I face in my life. Though sometimes I sit and worry about it but I tell myself hey this is not how it is so don't worry. It's just time.
SF- Do you have family here in Ghana?
Jlee- Biologically I don't but come to the other side I feel like everybody is my family. But I was sent from Liberia to Ghana by one William S.V. Tubman(iii). He is one of our historical president's grandson. He actually helped me out but right now I'm on my own.
SF- So why music?
Jlee- I actually didn't know this musical something was something I was going to do to be real. I used to go around my friends,talk to them,comfort them though I didn't know much about the bible and still I don't know much about the bible but I'm just the kind of person who looks at my past situation,where I'm from and how I grew up. I look at all those things and try to talk to my friends. Three years ago I had a dream and just of recent, it came to mind. I dreamed about Kendrick Lamar. He gave me a mic on his show in my dream. I was just sitting there like a street boy, looking all dirtied up looking at him on the stage. And he said yo we've got Lee to do a freestyle for you. And when I got the mic I killed it. I don't remember what I said though but I killed it. I was not even a rapper but I killed the show. And people had me in the air. So when I came to Ghana I was doing nothing. Just at home for the first two months. But before I could come, the last two months in Liberia, I used to be with some of those hood boys like we're just on the street doing all kinds of things and go back home. At certain point in time we get back to have fun so I thought I had music in my head. So I started sitting writing and writing but I didn't know really what I was writing but I will come across the saying that we need change,I  will come across sayings like we have to respect each other, God is love and most of my music is not talking about a girl,how she's beautiful and all that. My music is always going out to my friends. Like Hustle Real Hard, Charley Be Cool, Don't Beat Your Girl and other things. I also have this one Shower of Blessings telling my friends to get closer to God. We are youth so I think we should have fun so apart from the inspirational ones I'm also an Afro pop and rap artist. I'm still seeking the kingdom of God somehow. We all came here to have fun but we shouldn't forget about God though. I'm not too religious. Church business isn't too much in my head because I feel like the church is in me so the way live with my family and people around is the church business. Going to church everyday doesn't matter because people go there everyday but they still not doing what they are supposed to do. I'm not being judgemental.
SF- What genre of music do you do?
Jlee- I'm an Afro pop and rap artist but I'd say I'm and inspirational artist.
SF- If music wasn't here today what would you have been doing?
Jlee- I actually was doing graphic designing but I couldn't find my way out. There was no support. I really love to draw and I have them all over in my room. But I wanna be a businessman because I think we have a short time in the world so you don't have to waste time on things that you don't wanna do. I just wanna do the music because I think it's my way forward. Because if you do something and people like it, they will pay you. So if your music is good then you can have big shows.
SF- Which group are you targeting with the message in your songs?
Jlee- Actually my target is 70% of the youth then I just do something for the mature people. I have a song like I'm Here For You which is a reggae type and even Hustle Real Hard is for everybody. So I do songs for everybody and I do songs strictly for the youth. I started my musical career just this February so I'm not really putting myself out there,just doing songs for us to have fun.
SF- How many songs do you have so far?
Jlee- So far I like six songs out. I was featured on one and I have three songs coming out very soon and I was also featured on one. I have so many songs written but it's all about meeting the right people and getting promoted. I haven't been promoted here in Ghana yet. My songs are being played in Liberia though like three weeks ago, the Charley Be Cool was among the ten top list in Liberia for three solid weeks.
SF- How do you see the music industry in Ghana?
Jlee- It's great and I always give credit to Ghanaians because they always promote their artists. The industry here is really great and I pray to make a record as a Liberian artist penetrating and seeing my name everywhere.
SF- Do you think Ghanaian artists are earning much?
Jlee- Yeah. The music industry now isn't like how it used to be some years ago. Right now you can not sell your songs easily. You have to send it out for free. People do free downloads because how many people use Iphones to buy your songs on iTunes and things like that.So can get your money only through shows and Ghana is trying. They are doing well for the artistes like the likes of EL, Sarkodie, M.anifest,all those big guys. But on the other side I don't know how their system is because I haven't gotten into it yet. But generally I think it's cool. I've always rated Ghana, South Africa and Nigeria music as the top three music industries in Africa. I'm praying for Liberia to join them and more collabos between Ghana and Liberia. When a big artist like Sarkodie, Kofi Kinata or whoever collaborates with a Liberia artist it would be huge because we have good artists like So Fresh, Algenos, QuincyB. All these people are talented guys but the link is not there. So once the link is created between Ghana and Liberia then things like that can happen.

 SF- Who are some of the artists who influence you locally?
Jlee- First of all, I love M.anifest, I love EL,Sarkodie, Kofi Kinata because they all have different styles and have their own special talent. And for me, I'm not just one person who loves one thing or go after one person's talent so I go after everything and the one that would best suit me I take it because every beat is different. Like if I'm going on a song and it's strictly rap,then I'm gonna get in my EL mood, if it's something a bit fast then I'm gonna get in my Sark mood and if I'm going to do a song like R2Bees, then I'm gonna get in their mood. But I really got my influence from Kendrick Lamar,apart from the dream I had and then from Gospel artist Lecrae because he's not so into the church thing but he's more inspirational.
SF- I heard your freestyle on EL's All Black and I was really amazed.
Jlee- Yeah that track took me to places. It took me to Ghana Men's Fashion Week and the crowd also loved it when I went to perform at Miss Prampram and people were throwing money at me.
SF- So among EL, Sarkodie and M.anifest which one would you go for any day?
Jlee- Actually I love M.anifest because he inspires me every time. I listen to his songs every time and I retweet everything he tweets. If you check my twitter page you'd see. The moment he shares a song,I get it and listen. I've got most of his stuff and I started listening to him when I was in Liberia. He's always sounding so different.
SF- Which means you are a M.anifan.
Jlee- Yeah I am and  I love Sark, El,Pappy Kojo and Kofi Kinata.
SF-You Kofi Kinata? 
Jlee- Yeah. I've listened to him like twice but like I the him so much. I don't know why but I just listened to his freestyle in the studio and the church something he did with one guy and since then I have not heard anything from him because I have not been with radio for sometime but I really like him.
SF- Interesting. Well he has a new song out Time No Dey but the twist here is you don't and can't speak Twi so how come?
Jlee- Yeah but I can say my name and other little stuffs. I have a book and used to go to the streets to meet people to teach me one or two things in Twi. I'm still learning because I'm living in Ghana now.
SF- Lets talk about your brand. I know the brand name is Jlee something you created from your name but I want know where you would place the brand now?
Jlee- It's still down. Some of the other artists  took 4-5years to be where they are now. Some even took 10years but I feel like people are liking some of my stuff but right now they don't know me well because if they should know me well then they would  like all my stuff. I know I do good music so in a few time to come I have the hope and faith that things would work out for me and I'd make a difference in the world. I'm not going to make something big but the little part that I have to stick I'd just do it. I believe we all would die and go so you have to leave a good name.
SF- Most up coming artists are projected through sponsorship from giant institutions like the telecommunications which really work. Are you in any way looking for such sponsorship?
Jlee- Most of the people I meet will go like oooh you don't speak any local dialect so it would be hard for for you. But come to the fact, English is the number one language in Ghana. It's a worldwide something because you go everywhere and you ask where Ghana is, they would say in West Africa. What language do they speak? English. Because you guys were colonised by the the British so I don't know why everyone is about the Twi and the Ga. I mean we have people in Accra, Kumasi and parts of Ghana who speak English.But people want you to speak the local dialect. I know that people always want to share the fun especially once you are a foreigner. They want you to know who they really are and made of. But I'm trying. When I first came to Ghana I started eating the banku,the kenkey and I ran but later I got adjusted to it and now I eat any food at any time. Back in Liberia because of the war we didn't have a specific time to eat. You run and when you get a place to hide then you eat so my system is trained to eat at any time. I now eat banku with my hand because when I first came I was using fork and knife and people would be laughing at me because that was how we are trained in Liberia. But in all everything is going well. Like the MTN, Vodafone the others, I don't have contacts with them for sponsorship but I thank the engineers I work with because even though I'm a foreigner instead of charging like C400, they reduce it to C250 or C200 which I think it's all God's favour and blessing on me. I'm not doing only one style of music but doing every kind like Afro pop, rap,R&B and other stuff so  when you don't love this you can turn to that. We all have ears but sometimes we want to listen to something different.
SF- How is your family accepting this?
Jlee- First of all, my family loves what I do. Like I said I grew up as a hard kid fending for my family. I was trained like some kind of army kid because if you wanna mess up then you have to be ready for my dad. He will actually kick and punch you, doing you like you are some kind of alien from somewhere and  he  doesn't have the strength but he just got to fight you. Although I was hardheaded, I was trained to be humble and respectful and because of that I've been moving forward because everywhere I go people love me and show me favour. The clothes that I wear, the food I eat, the place I sleep I didn't buy them. So I feel like this is God's grace because I didn't ask for them but he gave them to me.
SF- What are some of the artists you really want to work with locally?
Jlee- Right now I'm doing music and still learning music but if I have the chance to do music with EL I'll go on it. If it's with MzVee, Sark  or any artist especially those ones I like and oh one more thing Kofi Kinata I just can't wait to do song with that guy. Like I said  I do rap and Afro pop I can be placed at anywhere you want me to be placed. If I'm gonna do a song with EL and he wants me to sing and do the chorus, I'll do it and if he wants me to do the rap, I'll actually kill it.
SF- You mentioned MzVee....
Jlee- Oh yeah I love her stuff. Like the whole dancehall thing and I actually saw her perform the first time I came to Ghana at the Nungua Mall. I was buying something and I saw the whole place crowded so I had to wait and see it for myself and she performed well. I like her song she did with Stonebwoy.
SF- Apart from her which other female artist do you like? Efya?
Jlee- Yeah I love Efya, MzVee and this Liberian female called Davero I love all of them. They actually got good voice. Anytime I listen to their music I feel like I should get on that song. I'll be like ah why are you guys not putting me on that song? Hahahaha.
SF- Where do you want see yourself in the soonest future?
Jlee- I'm chasing after success not because of me but for the poor kids who can't afford. I'm doing this not for my account but for my country because when I'm dead and gone...I'm dead and gone. So I wanna give all my time to the struggle and become successful. Like JayZ said, " If I'm still poor like you I can't help you so I have to stand out and go and get rich and come back to help you". So since the situation is kinda hard I should leave and go make it and come back to help them. Even if it will take 5-10years I'll still go back to help.
SF- You write your own songs?
Jlee- Yeah I write my own songs. I know people would write for me tomorrow but I wanna keep writing my own songs then people would know what I want and what to send me.
SF- Would you say the things you went through in Liberia are influencing your style of writing?
Jlee- Yeah. Most of them.
SF- And how do you feel talking about it in music.
Jlee- Right now I haven't started doing songs about how I grew up, what I went through and stuffs like that because I don't have a bigger audience yet so I don't want my story songs to be some old tracks. So I'm still doing my music talking about fun, get together,peace and love so once I get everybody around me then I'd sit and tell my story through music. Then I'll make a whole album because the stories I have are more than a 1000ft container hahahaha. Stories from the war,when my mum died, and the ebola I mean so many.
SF- Ok. Now lets talk about finance. I know you've been performing although not on bigger stages but are they paying?
Jlee- You see it's funny right but I'm not requesting for money. I'm looking for a big fanbase that would make me famous so that once people know me, I can be called anywhere to do shows and ask them what they have but right now I'm still underground,like an emerging artist so I have to give myself freely to them. But as I'm giving myself freely to them, I'm letting them know what I can do best and I know that they will always like my stuff. So once people start talking about me,my music playing on radio stations, I have videos and promoters then I'm going up but I'm not really looking at money side right now. I always say we build for tomorrow. Because if you have all the money today and you don't save for tomorrow you'd be a poor guy. So it's all about how we save for the future.
SF- Have you signed on to any label?
Jlee- No I haven't signed yet. To sign is not a big deal but the person I'm signing with. I want that person to like me personally and not just my music because once I stop doing good music he might drop me. I'm for love and I want people to love each other. I feel like once we love each other we'd not hurt or fight ourselves and that's exactly what Jesus came to do. He talked about love and taught us about love. We should show it when the person is alive not when they are dead and gone and we'll wear shirts like; we miss you, we love you. The opportunity to do that is when the person is alive.
SF- You are very young but you talk maturely and that's really interesting.
Jlee- Yeah I learn from people and I'll continue learning.
SF- What is sense of style?
Jlee- I know some artists dress a way to be recognised but I don't have a specific way of dressing. I just pick anything that will make me look nice.  

SF- Are you in a relationship?
Jlee- I have a kid. He's 3years and in Liberia and I'm a single parent. So I'm not ready for a relationship right now because I think my music needs me more. My music is like my bible, my rock and it's my direction so I have to hold it well just like you have to hold your bible well.
SF- What's your favorite food?
Jlee- Rice. You know we Liberians hahaha I can eat rice like fifty times a day.But my favourite Ghanaian food is banku. Then you mix palm nut soup with groundnut soup and you add some small tomato stew to it.
SF- But why do you mix them?
Jlee- Because I want it to be thick. Most of your soups here are kind of watery but Liberians own are thick. We call the palm nut soup palm butter because we prepare it thick like butter. When a Liberian cooks for you, you lick your fingers hahaha.
SF- You've said so much and I wasn't expecting to hear this from you actually. I thought you were all about youthful exuberance, the money, partying with girls but honestly you've given me a different meaning to life. I have learnt a lot from you and I really appreciate your time.
Jlee- Thanks.
SF- Where can we find Jlee, your songs and social media handles?
Jlee- Well it's Jlee Muzic on SoundCloud,Twitter and Instagram. And for facebook is J-Lee Muzic-Lib. My songs are for downloads on Songs like Be Cool, Story and Hustle Real Hard are there.
SF- Thank you so much once again and I know the people who will read will get to know of you, your music and your brand. We wish you luck in all your endeavours.
Jlee-Thank you too for having me. 

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