Sunday 13 November 2016


 Ghanaian entrepreneur, TV and radio presenter,Anita Erskine-Amaizo is by far one of the most treasured voices in the industry. In her CNN African Voices feature early this year,Anita exhibited her bold, beautiful, mightily articulate and extremely confident personality, as she described how desperately she wants to use her career in Broadcasting to influence the way people see Africa in its entirety.
 The interview is still trending, with people celebrating her distinct articulation!

Given that this lady is 100% Ghanaian, it was definitely a moment of pride for Ghana. Having spent more than a decade honing her skill and her craft in Television hosting and adding radio to her portfolio a year ago through Starr FM, it may not be so surprising that Erskine’s brand as an African Broadcaster and Media Professional is increasingly becoming recognized!

‘I’m extremely humbled by how many people urge me on at every turn. I adopted what I call the ‘Ant Strategy’ to grow my brand and build little by little, as consistently as possible. It’s has not been easy but I have tried never to let my focus waver even in the toughest of times. I’m grateful for the journey so far. Every day is a new day to start another part of the journey. I am honored’.

Anita is known to touch projects that take her to the next level of her professional journey and desire to inspire – Making of a Mogul, The One Show, Discovery +233 to name a few. You may recall her win last year at Viasat 1’s Jigwe Awards. She picked up the KpaKpaKpa Award which was designed to poke fun at Anita’s multi faceted approach to business.

Anita Erskine Media is her multi media content production company she launched on International Womens’ Day, through her first effort Sheroes of Our Time.

‘Sheroes of our Time by Lux, is my way of getting Women to hear, see or read about themselves. This way, they will know that the world appreciates their efforts and respects their journey. At the same time, I want the next generation of women to know that it is not easy. But it’s extremely possible to realize their dreams!’

The television aspect of the campaign started airing on Viasat 1 last night in celebration of International Women’s Day. If you find Anita’s social media handle and that of her esteemed partners, Lux, Airtel, Viasat 1 and Starrfm, you will readanita2 the stories of African Women making a mark on their societies. The radio leg of Sheroes will air on Starr FM and it’s affiliates.

Anita Erskine’s brand is synonymous with pure authentic, African power. Her voice is undoubtedly a strong tool, using it to nurture dreams and aspirations across the continent. For most, it is her smile that gives off the notion that ‘everything will be alright!’

‘The Broadcasting and general communications landscape is broad and CAN be tough. Running a multitude of projects simultaneously is extremely challenging – financially and physically! But you can never allow a challenge to cripple you. It’s actually fuel injection! This is the more reason you need to work at it!’ says Erskine.wpid-a-erskinehmatthews-9

The way things are going and her acute grasp of strategy, we are beginning to suspect that Erskine may soon be seen and heard from the staples of an International network, much like the late Komla Dumor. Fingers crossed. That would be another proud moment for Ghana.

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