Saturday 17 September 2016

Not So Fast! Apple Says The Company Is Not Interested in Purchasing Tidal

If you were hoping Apple would purchase Tidal and give us one-less streaming competitor — we have some disappointing news.
Apple says they’re NOT interested in acquiring Tidal.
Via BuzzFeed:
“We’re really running our own race,” Jimmy Iovine, who heads Apple Music, told BuzzFeed News in an interview. “We’re not looking to acquire any streaming services.”
The comment was in response to a question about a Wall Street Journal report from late June that Apple was “in talks” to acquire Tidal, which has fiercely competed with Apple Music for exclusive access to A-list artists. Until now, no one from Apple has commented publicly on the alleged talks. Iovine did not deny that such discussions had taken place, but said that no acquisition deal was currently in the works.
Poor Kanye.

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