Monday 19 September 2016


 SwitchFocus on  last Saturday, September 17 had and a one-on-one interview with emerging and fast rising male model Sylvester Serene Ocansey a.k.a JustSerene. Read below his story on modelling,relationship and the projects he's embarking on. Not to get you board, SwitchFocus has decided to give you a part one section of the interview and would serve you with the rest in our next publishing which would be very soon. Enjoy reading.
 SF: Can you tell us something brief about yourself?
JS: My background? Hahaha ok.I was born in Nigeria, Port Harcourt to be precise. I was born to a Ghanaian father and a Nigerian mother. And I'm the fifth child out of six. I grew up with my mum cos i had some challenges.So i was with my mum and then later i met my dad and i stayed with them together. So yeah that's how the story goes. That's my background.

SF: When you say "challenges" what do you mean?
JS: errm you know in every family and especially in  this part of the world we live in,errrm you know this marriage issues that tend to break the family for a while then by God's grace they come back together. So that was what happened to my family but by God's grace everything is fine now.
SF: So you are stable in Ghana now?
JS: Yeah i am.
SF: How often do you go to Nigeria?
JS: I go to Nigeria not too often. Maybe i go because of shows and stuff but sometimes at least once in a year i try to go see my parents to see how they are doing. And sometimes they also come down here and they do that lots of times so that makes it difficult to go and see them. Like I've seen them so what am i going there for again. Except shows, i hardly go there.
SF: Ok. So what about education-wise?
JS: I did my nursery up to senior high in Nigeria and came back to Ghana in 2012 to do college. So currently i am in my final year at Radford University college, studying Environmental Science.
SF: Ok now lets switch it. How did you get into the industry?
JS: Errrm it's a funny story because i actually had something for managing entertainers. I didn't have the specific kinda entertainers though but like actors,musicians,models hahahaha. I wanted to be a manager but then i was young and didn't know how to go about it. But it has always been there. I think one afternoon i was going to the mall then, i met this guy and he was like "are you a model?" And i was like "no". Then he told me i should be one. So i said ok I'd give it a try. We became friends and it started from there. His is Sparkzuta.
SF: How old were you?
JS: Ermm 19, 20 thereabout cos that was in December, 2014.
SF: How do you see the industry so far?
JS: So far it's been great. This is one of the things i draw my happiness from and so far it's been fun, challenging,hectic and sometimes you have this moment where you wana give up but then realize the road to success is not an easy road so you keep pushing and stuff. So far the industry has been good but it has it's flaws.
SF: And what are some these flaws?
JS: Basically, the number one flaw in the industry now is the paycheck. That's my number one priority now cos i do this for the passion but it has to pay the bills as well. In our side here, people take modelling as a hubby but someone's full time job outside. So it has to pay the bills, i have to look good and looking good is expensive so when i offer you my physical looks that you like, you have to pay me well so i could continue to maintain it. So it's the paycheck. We should be paid well and on time.
SF: Between what range do you want to be paid?
JS: It depends on the job you do and the experience you have i guess. So errm we should be making errm in fact they should pay us in dollars. That's what i will say. They should pay in dollars period.
SF: So per your experience have you received any paycheck that you thought was below you?
JS: Yeah i have.
SF: What was the reaction?
JS: Hmmmm they say humility errmm you just have to calm down and take it like that but sometimes i think it's disrespectful. I was really disappointed but then i took it. But there's been couple of times I've told the client that this is not worth the job i did for you but I'm going to take it cos I'm doing it for you. So next time if you want to have my services i wouldn't take it.
SF: So can you state the highest and the lowest paycheck you've taken?
JS: Errm the highest paycheck errm I've taken actually filled up my bank account. I wouldn't tell you the exact amount though but yes it filled my bank account.
SF: We want to know. Cos if it actually filled your bank account, then it was something huge.
JS: Yeah it was and it filled my account hahaha. So that paycheck that would fill your account, that was what i took.
SF: Can you mention what exactly you did for that kind of amount?
JS: Ermm that was from Apex advertising. I did an advert for Airtel.
SF: Ok. Are you the one on the billboard with the guitar?
JS: No. That's a friend of mine Shadrach. Mine is actually a video.
SF: What about the lowest?
JS: The lowest i felt disrespected for was GHC50. Who does that?
SF: Wow. Can you mention the event?
JS: Ok it was from a fashion show,and i went there with a guy who was supposed to be my manager,errm not actually my manager but he called me for the show. We've agreed on the payment already and after the show you tell me they didn't pay well and then you give GHC50. Really?
SF: Have you signed on to any agency?
JS: No i haven't. I was scouted by Sparkzuta as i said and it's a modelling agency. Sparkzuta International Models. So after the training and all, i left them and for now I've been working on my own and i just completed a competition and i am  suppose to sign a contract with them but as at now nothing has been done.So for now i am not under any agency.
SF: I did my research and i saw you've dealt with so many events like the photo icon. Practically you are everywhere. So tell us some of these events.
JS: Well the photo icon was a reality show more like America's Next Top Model for a period of 12 to 13 weeks and i came out as the first runner-up. I've also worked for Ghana Fashion and Designing Week, Mercedes Benz African Fashion Festival,in Nigeria i worked for Africa International Fashion Week, Rip The Runway Ghana, Fashionista Ghana,Fashion GH it goes on and on.
SF: That's interesting. Now answer this one for me. Are male models also harassed sexually like females?
JS: Hahaha ok recently some one asked me this same question but not in an interview form.He was like he heard male models have to sleep with photographers before they get photoshoots. And am like i won't deny it doesn't happen. It does happen but then it's not common as you see it in the female circle. So mostly it's the amateur guys and the desperate ones who get this sexual harassment if i should tag it that way.
SF: Have you experienced any?
JS: Ermm i'd say once but it wasn't that serious.
SF: How was it?
JS: In my case, it was from a designer. I met him at a fashion show and i wasn't even gonna walk for him but he really wanted me to walk for him but  the clothes weren't fitting. And then after, he told me he'd be coming to Ghana to do shows. He's actually from Zimbabwe and we exchanged contacts and yes he's been to Ghana for shows...and we've been talking and stuff but he told me directly that if he's inviting me for shows,and i have to walk for him then i have to do something with him. And after that he'd invite me to Zimbabwe and everywhere he'd have a show Kenya, Uganda, Liberia, Cote D'Ivoire and i couldn't live with that. I couldn't sell my body for three steps or four steps on the runway.
SF: So apart from that there has never been any?
JS: Maybe they have but it won't come directly so you can tag it as sexual harassment. It comes indirectly.
SF: Have ever been turned down?
JS:Hahahaha yes yes yes yes. I think that was a show in Cape Coast and the designer came from Nigeria and we're having the show in Cape Coast. So he got linked to some models and i was one of them.We met him and this is one of the cases I'd say indirect sexual harassment because we're chatting and he told me i should come to his place for fitting. But i told him i can't come. But then he fitted all the models cos usually we meet at the mall or La Palm. And he did it for all of them but he kept telling me my outfit wasn't ready. And then you call me to come to your place for fitting and truthfully i couldn't make it. And the night we're suppose to meet and sleep in a hotel and go to Cape Coast the following morning, i was calling him and calling him...I've packed my bags and i was in a taxi and when i got there i kept calling then he finally picked and he was like "ooooh sorry I've already replaced you with somebody else. One of my models came from Nigeria so i had to replace you so don't worry. And i was like in fact you even posted in the group that we should meet that evening and this is what you're telling me? I just left. I felt so bad and left there. It's one of those things.
SF: What gets you going?
JS: Hmmm what gets me going? I'd say God cos every morning i wake up, it's not by my might and it's not by my's by the grace of God. So every morning the love of God keeps me going and then my mum. You know we've been through a lot so every morning i think about her and how to make her happy so i push and really want to do more. And she's always got this thing of making me a star so i try to push. So when people say "oh i love this guy" then she can say "yeah that's my son"
SF: How is Sylvester on the runway?
JS: Generally when I'm on the runway, i feel like I'm the most beautiful person in the auditorium and what goes through my mind is just be fierce, kill it and then leave. I always have it at the back of my mind that i want to come off the stage and somebody comes backstage and asks my number or give me a compliment.
That's what i always want to achieve.
SF: Where would fix yourself in the modelling industry?
JS: Editorial/commercial model. Here in Africa, i don't really wana tag myself as a runway model cos we  use the terminator looking kinda guys with muscles but if I'm outside I'd tag myself as a runway model cos i have the exact measurements for a typical runway model. So for Ghana here I'd say I'm an editorial/commercial model.
SF: What is the exact height for a runway model?
JS: For the guys it's 6ft and above and I'm 6ft 3inches. For the girls it's 5'8,5'9.

 SF: How spiritual are you?
JS: I consider myself  very spiritual although i don't go to church every sunday but i go when i could and i always keep my relationship with God tight.
SF: Are you dating?
JS: Yes i am.
SF: Do you wana tell us the name?
JS: Hahahaha yesterday was actually her birthday and our relationship is public so lots of people know about it.She is Lasisi Toyin and a Nigerian.She's in Nigeria now and we've been dating for 4yrs now.
SF: Ok. How old are you?
JS: I'm 21.
SF: I've also heard about some projects you're embarking on as your social responsibility. How is that one coming up?
JS: It's going well. It's LEND TO LEARN. It's basically adding quality to the acquisition of knowledge and skills in the rural areas. Because there are kids there who are in school without any learning materials unlike those here in Accra who have all these but you still have to whip them before they go to school. So that's just the whole project. We launched on July 12,2016 at Eterkope, a small village in the Volta region.
SF: Are you the only one on board or with other cooperate bodies?
JS: Ok for now I'm the only person but then i had friends who assisted and had a designer who sponsored that's Jeremenz Afric and he sewn all the uniforms i provided the kids. And i had a doctor all the way from Germany who also sponsored.

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